Coloured Calcite Geodes
These beautiful artificially coloured geodes, offer all their colours once opened, the crystals which formed there are magnificent.
Geodes are hollow stones, inside which crystals have formed. Each geode is therefore absolutely unique, and the result of a very long process of crystallization.
Geodes can be difficult to find, as they are difficult to recognize on the outside and are lighter than solid stones.
They are perfect as decorative objects, for example to collect them and display them open. Geodes are still on trend
NB: Geodes (except for CCGeo-05 and CCGeo-06) and crystals (all) inside them are painted.
Calcite Geodes: Calcite geodes are known for their formations of calcite crystals. The crystals inside these geodes can exhibit various colors, including white, yellow, orange, and brown.