Smudge Stick - 7 Chakra White Sage 10cm
Smudge Stick - 7 Chakra White Sage 10cmSmudge Stick - 7 Chakra White Sage 10cm
Smudge Stick - 7 Chakra White Sage 10cm
13,95 € inc. tax
Smudge Sticks
Smudging is a rite involving the burning of sacred herbs or resins. The ceremony is for spiritual cleansing or blessing. The substances used, can vary, from the most popular forms of sage and cedar to the wide range of herbs like lavender, rosemary and others.

Smudging can be used to energetically cleanse a space to invite positive energy. This may help you establish a positive environment for meditation. To sit and let go of negative thoughts in a ritual like this sets your intention to self-improvement. Smudges also may help clear the air, scientists have observed that sage can clear up to 94 percent of airborne bacteria and disinfect the air. Also, when sage is burned, it releases negative ions, which is linked to putting people into a positive mood.

Smudging requires simple ingredients like matches, smudging herbs, and a smudging bowl. Before you start, remember to open a door or window, because the unwanted energy you are trying to clear must have a pathway to get out. First, light one end of your smudge, allowing it to catch fire and burn for several seconds. Then gently blow on the lit end - the smudge will begin to glow and smoke. Lay the smudge on a heatproof bowl to catch the ashes as it burns.

Our suppliers have the smudges and loose sage leaves. This way you are ensured of the highest quality products to offer your customers. Before packing, the leaves were dried before they got sealed to keep it in good condition during their journey to us, so we can guarantee you our white sage are mold-free.

Origin Netherlands
Net weight 0.033Kg /Stick
Shipping weight 0.033Kg
Dimensions 10x3 (cm)
13,95 € inc. tax
Units in Stock
Product Code: 1nZshyN
weight: 33.0g
Product Condition: New
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